Physical Therapy

We are proud to offer physical therapy services at our Williams and Grand Canyon locations. At North Country HealthCare, we have a group of experienced, skilled providers with decades of experience treating a wide range of movement disorders. They work closely with medical providers both locally and from surrounding communities to design individualized treatment plans that maximize your physical function, decrease your pain and provide you with the knowledge to manage your own health.

Conditions We Treat

Treatments are individualized to a patient’s needs but usually include manual therapy and exercise rehabilitation.

  • Sprains/strains
  • Fractures
  • Joint dysfunctions
  • Spine pain including herniated discs and stenosis
  • Ligament tears
  • Post-operative care for a range of surgeries
  • Non-orthopedic conditions (strokes, head injuries, dizziness or unsteadiness, etc.)

Physical Therapy FAQs

Q: Who will be treating me?

A: At North Country HealthCare you will be treated by a licensed physical therapist. We make every effort to ensure you see the same therapist each visit through the course of your care. We do not utilize PT assistants or technicians.

Q: What is involved in a PT visit?

A: Your first visit will include an evaluation by the physical therapist in order to identify current and potential problems. Based on the results of the examination, and considering your specific goals, your physical therapist will design a plan of care to include specific interventions and will propose a timetable to achieve these goals and optimize your movement and function. Your physical therapist will likely provide you with instructions to perform exercises at home to assist in your recovery.

You should feel comfortable asking your physical therapist questions about your care.

Q: Will it hurt?

A: Your therapist will listen to your concerns regarding pain and make every attempt to keep discomfort to a minimum. However some discomfort or pain may be associated with increased motion or new exercises. For instance, if you are being seen following a surgery, there may be some pain with new exercises or the hands-on techniques your therapist utilizes to regain movement and strength. If you have a problem involving stiffness in a muscle or joint, there is often discomfort involved in introducing movement to this area, which is often followed by pain relief.

Q: What should I wear?

A: Comfortable clothes that allow for easy movement. Please bring a pair of shorts if we’re working with your hips, knees or ankles.

Additional resources

Find a Physical Therapy location


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