02/12/2021 by Sarah Pena
The Health Insurance Marketplace, or healthcare.gov, will be open for a Special Enrollment Period February 15 through August 15. North Country HealthCare has application counselors at all of their locations to help individuals and families enroll in affordable coverage. Those interested in requesting a free enrollment appointment should visit https://bit.ly/nchcgetcovered. Appointments are available both in person and over the phone, as well as in English and Spanish.
At the end of January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it would re-open the federal marketplace in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The economic crisis caused by the pandemic has caused many to lose their employer health insurance. The Health Insurance Marketplace offers tax credits to significantly reduce the monthly cost of insurance for most who apply.
“Arizona has nearly 700,000 uninsured Arizonans who can qualify for AHCCCS (234,000 eligible) or Marketplace (440,000 eligible) coverage,” said Jeremy Naylor, program coordinator at North Country HealthCare. “That is more people than live in Tucson, Yuma, Flagstaff and Kingman combined who could take advantage of this opportunity.”
Those who apply for coverage on healthcare.gov will also be screened for affordable and no-cost state coverage like AHCCCS (Arizona’s Medicaid program) and KidsCare (Arizona’s Children’s Health Insurance Program). Enrollment for those two programs is open year-round.
When applying for coverage at North Country HealthCare, individuals can also apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, as well as for cash assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF). Application counselors can also help determine what other North Country HealthCare programs someone may also be eligible for. Those interested in applying can contact the North Country HealthCare location nearest them and ask for a Family Health Advocate.
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